One chart shows why the iPhone 5c is likely a nonstarter in emerging markets

iPhone 5c Price Comparison
iPhone 5c Price Comparison

Although the iPhone 5c announcement is exciting for those in search of a more affordable and much more colorful iPhone, an entry level price point of $550 for the hardware without a contract is surprising. Android and Windows Phone are on the rise in emerging markets, and the high price of the iPhone 5c is unlikely to change anyone’s mind about switching to iOS. Which? Tech Daily has put together an infographic comparing the cost of the iPhone 5c in the United Kingdom to the price of eleven popular Android phones. Unsurprisingly, only the recently announced Xperia Z1 tops Apple’s cheaper model. Check out the infographic below.

[More from BGR: iOS 7 Gold Master full change log now available]

iPhone 5C comparison infographic
iPhone 5C comparison infographic

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