One-armed, 7-year-old golfer's swing has more 'vertical force than anyone else on the planet'

7-year-old Tommy Morrissey swung by Little Big Shots on Sunday to show of his golf skills. Morrissey was born with only one fully developed arm, but that hasn't stopped him from succeeding in the sport he loves. Golf. While growing up in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Morrissey said he started playing golf at the age of one. He is currently ranked 2nd in the state of Florida and 7th in world. PGA Professional Steve Cox used a swing analyzer to show how, pound for pound, Morrissey has one of the hardest swings in the sport. After Morrissey drove a golf ball into a simulator, his swing speed and force was displayed on monitor and there was a massive spike just before contact. Cox explained, "That's actually reading him going over four times his total body weight into that golf ball. So, he's putting 200 pounds of pressure into the ground when he actually hits this golf ball. So, he uses more vertical force than anyone else on the planet." Morrissey uses his skills for more than just bragging rights. His charity, the Unlimbited Foundation, raises money for children in need of limb-corrective surgery. The very confident Morrissey also enjoys showing off. To end his appearance he used and iron shot to hit a tile marked "Hole-in-One." He is quite impressive and inspirational. Little Big Shots airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on NBC. Watch clips and full episodes of Little Big Shots for free on Yahoo View.