Once again, Ted Cruz's face is a meme

Have you ever seen anyone more meme-able than Sen. Ted Cruz? 

He's been the "ultimate humiliation" guy, the Zodiac Killer and now his loving glare at Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has caught the internet's eye and sent it, once again, into a full meme-ification spiral.

SEE ALSO: Gucci posted a load of weird memes and the internet is cringing hard

During Gorsuch's confirmation hearing, something about him seems to have struck Cruz in the most pleasant way. Huh. Are we witnessing the next big political bromance brew? Could they possibly be the new Biden and Obama

Never, absolutely not. But that didn't stop Twitter users from taking Cruz's lovestruck expression and running with it:

OR maybe it's not Gorsuch he's fawning over. Maybe he's got other things on his mind:

We all know how Cruz feels about soup.

Could it be butter cow?

Oh Ted. Poor, poor Ted. There's no escaping the perfectly memeable persona created for you against your will. Sorry, bud. This is your destiny.

WATCH: What does it take to be funny? One comedian breaks it down