As omicron surges, Palm Beach County and Florida won't bring back daily hospital reports

Palm Beach Fire Rescue workers administer a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test to Town of Palm Beach resident at Phipps Ocean Park, January 6, 2022.
Palm Beach Fire Rescue workers administer a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test to Town of Palm Beach resident at Phipps Ocean Park, January 6, 2022.
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As the coronavirus omicron mutation engulfs Florida, Palm Beach County officials won’t require hospitals to once again report daily information detailing the severity of the latest variant here.

Even as hospitalizations countywide have exploded by almost 1,000%, officials oppose bringing back the daily hospital report that was publicly available during the summertime delta variant surge. It would burden medical staff and wouldn’t change unvaccinated people’s minds, they say. Instead of using daily statistics from medical facilities, as Miami-Dade County does, Palm Beach County officials say they rely on conversations with hospital administrators.

From late August through mid-October, as victims of the coronavirus’ delta strain flooded hospitals, medical facilities were required under a county emergency order to send daily data to the county government detailing how many patients tested positive; how many lacked vaccination; how many intensive care unit beds were available, and more. Among other things, the data showed that most COVID-19 patients had not received their shots.

But when the delta wave crashed, commissioners agreed unanimously on Oct. 20 to drop the requirement that they enacted in August. And they have no plans to bring it back despite surging hospitalizations from the omicron strain.

“Up to now there haven't been any grave concerns from hospitals in terms of the number of patients coming in,” Palm Beach County Commissioner Maria Sachs said. “Until there really are some serious issues regarding hospitalizations, then there's really no need to report it.”

The county’s lack of statistical action on reporting COVID-19 hospitalization data confounds medical experts.

“What’s wrong with publishing it?” said Dr. Jean Malecki, former director of the state-run Palm Beach County Department of Health. “What’s wrong with telling people … how many hospitalizations, how many cases are severe, how many are mild? I can't understand.”

Reporting data reportedly a 'distraction' for hospitals

County Commissioner Robert Weinroth called the requirement a “distraction” for hospitals, saying the county did not receive data “on a consistent basis.”

When asked which hospitals complained about reporting the data, Weinroth referred a Palm Beach Post reporter to Palm Beach County Assistant Administrator Todd Bonlarron, who said none of the 14 hospitals in the county complained.

A daily average of 581 coronavirus patients occupied hospital beds countywide between Dec. 31 and Jan. 6, the latest data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows.

One reason Palm Beach County officials do not need to require reporting from hospitals, Bonlarron said, is that the federal government receives and reports the data from those medical facilities.

But those statistics have always been at least a week old. Relying on it can be a problem, especially in the midst of the highly infectious omicron variant, said Dr. Mark Hudak, chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Florida’s medical center in Jacksonville.

“Very significant changes can occur over two or three days, or even one day,” he said. “Our hospitalizations have increased significantly in Jacksonville day by day. If you wait for a week, you're behind the signal.”

Regular talks with hospitals is all Palm Beach County officials need

Still, Palm Beach County officials insist their regular conversations with hospital administrators and CEOs are suitable in lieu of hard numbers. Bonlarron said much of what they discuss covers the same items hospitals used to report.

“A lot of it is the same kinds of data points,” Bonlarron said, such as “how are things looking in terms of … are you seeing a higher increase in COVID-related patients coming in? What is your ICU looking like? How is your availability of ventilators? Are you seeing a higher percentage of people coming in with COVID who are vaccinated versus unvaccinated?”

“Some of the anecdotal information they share has been extremely helpful even beyond raw numbers and raw data,” Bonlarron added. “The data was just there to help build the case if we needed to make requests from the state government or federal government.”

Conversations with hospital administrators revealed that people were going to emergency rooms to get tested for COVID-19 because of how crowded public testing sites had become, Bonlarron said. Based on that information, county commissioners last week allowed county administrators to buy more at-home tests from the state and hand them out.

More information isn't going to change how people act, county official says

Another reason county commissioners have refrained from bringing back daily hospital reports is the belief that more information won’t change minds. "More data isn't going to make the anti-vaccine, anti-maskers or COVID deniers respond any differently," County Commissioner Melissa McKinlay has said. “People who are worried about this latest wave are the ones already taking precautions.”

While doctors acknowledge unvaccinated people may not be swayed by numbers alone, they say that having up-to-date information on COVID-positive patients’ vaccination status can help inform the public.

“Assume you’re in a family where you subscribe to vaccinations and masks,” Hudak said. “Assume you have kids who are younger than 5 who are not eligible. … You might behave very differently if you know there is a huge increase in cases and hospitalizations in your area.”

Local hospitalization data can help schools, too, said Dr. Daniel Armstrong, director of the Mailman Center for Child Development at the University of Miami.

“If we understood how many children are being infected and how far they're getting … and data systems track what's happening in the community it would actually help our school boards make decisions,” Armstrong said. “In areas where outbreaks are occurring perhaps that's where we could go virtual. … Kids need to be in school but we need to have data to make good decisions for when it’s safe for them to be there.”

Miami-Dade requires hospitals to report

Florida’s most populous county, Miami-Dade, started requiring local hospitals in December to report COVID-19 data in anticipation of the omicron wave. “The County needs timely and accurate information to ensure its efforts to combat the virus are effective,” an emergency order issued Dec. 14 by County Mayor Levine Cava read.

To make it easy for the county’s 31 hospitals to report statistics, county officials provide them with an online form to fill out. Most of the hospitals use it to send county officials information on how many patients have tested positive; how many are unvaccinated, vaccinated and boosted; how many ICU beds are available; and more.

The county has not received complaints from hospitals, representatives for Cava’s office said. The medical facilities are already required to send much of the data to the state and federal governments, spokeswoman Natalia Jaramillo noted.

“The hospital data helps us monitor COVID trends and surges and their impacts on our healthcare infrastructure,” Jaramillo said. “We also look at the number of patients with COVID who are vaccinated, boosted and unvaccinated to make sure we have a good understanding of who is at risk and who is getting sick. Furthermore, this data helps us to decide what actions we should take next including scaling up testing sites, vaccination sites, and other efforts across the county.”

Among other things, the Miami-Dade reports consistently show that about 70% of patients with the disease are unvaccinated.

While Palm Beach County officials aren’t keen on bringing back daily hospital reporting, the state government has it but chooses not to share it with the public.

Medical facilities report COVID-19 information to the state Agency for Health Care Administration. The agency used to update its website multiple times daily with statistics on how many hospital beds, in and out of ICUs, were occupied by coronavirus patients, in each county and each hospital.

AHCA ended that practice in June. Gov. Ron DeSantis believed the data was no longer needed. “Our state is returning to normal,” DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw said at the time.

AHCA has no plans to bring back the regular reporting, even though it collects the information from medical facilities daily.

Hospitals report that information to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, AHCA chief of staff Cody Farrill said in an email. Farrill did not acknowledge that the federal data is at least one week old or answer further questions from The Post.

Up-to-date local-level data that AHCA doesn’t publish would be “immensely helpful,” University of South Florida epidemiologist Dr. Jason Salemi said, in understanding the scope of the pandemic and who is bearing the brunt of the disease. He runs an online dashboard that tracks Florida’s COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths among different age groups, as reported by the state and federal governments.

“At the state level there's never been what I'd call comprehensive reporting,” Salemi said. “It would be so much more useful (for the state and federal governments) to add in vaccination status … prior infection status, and finally, what's their primary reason for being there? Are they there for a car accident and happened to test positive for COVID?”

AHCA plans to start reporting the number of COVID-19 patients who are in the hospital because of the respiratory illness and how many tested positive while in the hospital for another reason.

Chris Persaud is a data reporter for The Palm Beach Post.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Daily COVID hospital reports: Why Palm Beach County isn't requiring them