Olympians' big night out results in closing ceremony ban and curfew


It's the last few days of the Rio Olympics, and celebrating hard is a no-brainer at this point. 

Party a little too hard however, and they'll be consequences.

Australian swimmers Josh Palmer and Emma McKeon didn't return home after a night out in Copacabana, which is a big no-no in the Australian Olympic team's books. 

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Both left a nightclub in the early hours of Wednesday, but McKeon stayed with friends in the district without notifying the team's management, while Palmer continued to stay out drinking with a friend.

Palmer was later found disoriented by two businessmen, and had reportedly lost his wallet and phone. He told officials that after his friend left, a unknown man forced him to withdraw A$1,000 in cash from an automatic teller machine, but decided to not report the robbery to police.

"Palmer and McKeon's behaviour was unacceptable and they breached disciplinary protocols," said an Australian Olympic Committee statement, adding that the Swimming Team Leader also needed to "ensure he is aware of his athlete's whereabouts when leaving the Olympic Village and that the swimming athletes observe the 2am curfew." 

Given the recent incidents involving a British athlete being robbed at gunpoint and the continually twisting tale of U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte's robbery story, it's no surprise that Australian officials are being extra cautious about their athlete's whereabouts in Rio as the games wind down.

"This could've ended up a lot worse. I do not want any athlete to put themselves in any position... we know what goes on in Copa, Ipanema. We've recommended to athletes they go to Barra. We've identified safe areas in Barra for them to go to," Australian Chef de Mission, Kitty Chiller, told reporters.

"Everything that we've put in place is not the fun police, it's not party poopers, it is ensuring that their safety is paramount in their minds, as well as ours."

Both Palmer and McKeon have been banned from participating in the closing ceremony and will have to be in the athletes' village from 8 p.m. for the rest of the games. They must also travel in official Rio Olympics transport to and from all events. 

A 2 a.m. curfew also hangs over the heads of the Australian swimming team for the rest of the Games.