OK, Everybody,Jared Kushner Really is a Male

Jared Kushner is actually registered to vote as a man, now that the New York City Board of Elections has fixed a database error.

Well, it turns out that President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is a man after all.

New York City Board of Elections Executive Director Michael Ryan was forced to admit that his agency erroneously entered Kushner as a woman in its voter registration database even though Kushner had properly checked off the "male" box on an application document in 2011.

“It does happen from time to time,” Ryan told New York Daily News reporter Jason Silverstein.

Ryan said the agency fixed the problem on Wednesday, when stories about Kushner's status as a "female" made headlines nationwide, including in Newsweek, after Wired magazine discovered the gender offender when it searched Kushner's name and address in Nexis, an information database that is independent from the Board of Elections.

Wired didn't misread the document — Kushner was, indeed, listed as female. But the error, such as it was, apparently stemmed from a data-entry mistake. The Board of Elections amended Kushner from "F" to "M" on Wednesday, the News reported.

As paperwork mistakes go, this one was harmless. But Kushner has run into repeated problems with dotting i's and crossing t's. He's registered to vote in both New York and New Jersey, which is particularly ironic, given that his father-in-law has created a commission to root out supposedly rampant voter fraud such as ... people being registered in two states at the same time.

After joining the White House staff, Kushner amended his national security clearance forms several times, which led to the revelation that he had met with Russian officials.

He also revised financial disclosure forms 39 times because he kept leaving off key assets, the Washington Post reported.

And most recently, he was forced to admit that he used a private email account to conduct some government business and did not reveal the existence of that outside account when he met with the Senate Intelligence Committee.

All in all, his gender on a voting document seems to be the least of his problems.

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