OK Co. Clerks Office donates computers to Millwood High School

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Millwood High School got some help Friday in terms of technology. Over two dozen computers were donated to the high school from the Oklahoma County Clerk’s Office.

Millwood High School gets computers from OK Co. Clerks Office. Image KFOR.
Millwood High School gets computers from OK Co. Clerks Office. Image KFOR.

It was a special delivery of sorts as 30 computers were carted and carried through the front doors of the school Friday morning.

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“Definitely a huge help,” Millwood Public Schools Supt. Dr. Cecilia Robinson Woods said.

“I am very passionate about finding ways to serve our community,” Oklahoma County Clerk Maressa Treat said. “This seemed like a simple way to say, ‘hey, we have these. If you guys want them, they’re yours.’”

Treat said it started last April when she took office. They started looking into what they did and didn’t need and the computers were on the latter list.

“So, we said, well, instead of recycling them, how about we see if we can donate them?” Treat said. “We wanted to make sure it didn’t go to waste and it went to a good cause.”

There’s roughly 320 students at Millwood High School. Robinson Woods said each of them have technological devices thanks to COVID relief money they used in the past. Normally, they would have to use general funds for computers like these, but this gift can fill that gap.

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“What this gift will do, it’ll allow for us to upgrade our office desktops and things that are administrators use and our office managers use,” she said. “That’ll be very helpful.”

Treat said she hopes the county clerks office can partner with others in the community and do this again in the future.

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