Officer Killed in New Hampshire Shootout that Ended with Explosion

Officer Killed in New Hampshire Shootout that Ended with Explosion

According to WMUR, Officer Stephen Arkell was shot when he entered the home in Brentwood. Authorities then believe that the alleged shooter, Michael Nolan, set fire to the home. An explosion caused by the fire destroyed the home and it is believed that Nolan was killed in the fire. The fire was put out before it was able to spread to neighboring homes.

At least one person from the scene was being treated at a nearby hospital, not for a gunshot wound.

New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan spoke briefly about Officer Arkell:

“Officer Arkell bravely answered the call of duty and made the ultimate sacrifice, a heroic demonstration of his commitment to the safety of his fellow citizens,” Hassan said. “Like so many of our first responders do on a daily basis, Officer Arkell courageously put his life on the line to protect others, and in doing so, was tragically taken far too soon.”

This article was originally published at

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