Officer attends graduation of girl he saved from fire 18 years ago

Josibel Aponte graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University on Tuesday, and she wouldn't have been there without officer Peter Getz.

Eighteen years ago, Getz carried 5-year-old Aponte to safety when her uncle's Hartford, Connecticut apartment building caught fire. When the two emerged from the blaze, Aponte was unresponsive — but Getz's efficient CPR helped her breathe again by the time they reached the hospital.

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The two have kept in touch throughout the years. Getz, who has two daughters of his own, followed Aponte's progress through school after the fire. "Just to make sure she was doing well," he told local news sources.

And Aponte, who goes by Josi, never forgot the day Getz saved her life. "I almost died, but I was given a second chance at life," she said. 

So on Aponte's graduation day, Getz was proudly in attendance — and they took another, far happier photo together.

“There are only a few moments that are so important in life,” Aponte told the Hartford Courant. “I wanted to share my graduation with everyone who’s important to me, who have been there for me, and who helped me through tough times.”