Off-Duty LAPD Officer Fires Gun In Confrontation With Teens

The officer was upset with teens trespassing on his property in Anaheim, California.

An off-duty Los Angeles Police officer is under investigation for allegedly pulling a gun and firing it during a confrontation with teenagers trespassing on his property in Anaheim, California.

Anaheim Police Sgt. Daron Wyatt said Wednesday an investigation is underway, and video posted on YouTube appears to show “portions of the incident in question.”

The nearly 9-minute video shot from across the street shows an adult man dragging a teenager across his lawn with a number of backpack-carrying teenagers standing around. At one point a couple of teens push the adult over a row of bushes. He then pulls a gun and fires. No one was hit by the bullet, but the crowd scattered.

The adult held one of the teens for police.

Wyatt said police could not authenticate the video. The incident occurred about 2:40 p.m. Tuesday.

"During that confrontation, a 13-year-old male is alleged to have made a threat to the off-duty officer that he was going to shoot him," Wyatt said.

The 13-year-old was arrested and charged with suspicion of battery and making criminal threats while a 15-year-old was arrested on suspicion of assault and battery, Anaheim police said. The off-duty officer, whose name was withheld, was cooperating with the investigation.

KABC-TV, Los Angeles, quoted the 13-year-old’s mother as saying her son threatened to sue the officer, not shoot him. The youth can be heard on the video saying: "I didn't do anything to hurt you. All I said was to respect the girl. You told her to 'get off my property.’ “

"I didn't see him being aggressive. I saw him remaining as calm as he possibly could. I saw him trying to reason with the adult," the youth’s mother said.

Outside the Theo Lacy juvenile detention facility Wednesday, the 13-year-old told KTLA, Los Angeles, he was just trying to defend a girl when the off-duty officer told her to get off his lawn.

"And then he came at me. ... He hit me. I ran to the street to run away from him, and he got me. He tried to trip me and then he kicked me in my testicles," the youth said.

Los Angeles Police opened their own investigation.

“We will continue to conduct the internal investigation to determine the actions of the officer and the circumstances, and then we’ll consult with the Orange County district attorney as well to determine if there’s any issues,” Los Angeles Police spokesman Capt. Andy Neiman told the Los Angeles Times.

The officer was taken off the street for a 72-hour briefing.

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