October, 2016 - Month of Spiritual Awakening!

Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening

Welcome to the Month of October - Month of Spiritual Awakening!

October is a month to make a courageous decision to stand up for the Truth. The Truth which comes from your Heart. October 1st starts with a New Moon, then we have a Full Moon on October 16th, and ends with a New Moon on October 30th. The month of October is unique because we have two New Moons in one month. The New Moons represent, "The Dark Night of the Soul." The Full Moon represents, "The Spiritual Awakening of the Soul."

What does the Dark Night of the Soul and the Spiritual Awakening of the Soul mean to you?

As you look at the world events, people are standing up against exploitation of nature, exploitation of power and exploitation of money. The Humanity as well as Mother Earth is going through a Dark Night of the Soul. It is time, Humanity wakes up to the Greater Intelligence which controls the very existence of man, women, and nature. This month offers a beautiful opportunity to connect with the Greater Intelligence of the Universe. We are at a point in history, were we can destroy ourselves because of our own sheer ignorance or arrogance. The best solution to go through this turmoil is to wake up and connect with the Greater Intelligence that binds humans and nature as one, which is the Spiritual Awakening of the Soul. This Spiritual Awakening of Humanity will assure in the Golden Age.

How can you wake up to the Greater Intelligence which is within you and also within Nature?

Here are some of our suggestions which we believe can help you to connect to the Greater Intelligence within you:

1. Support Standing Rock Sioux Movement

2. Express Your Voice

3. Meditate to Connect with the Greater Intelligence

SupportStanding Rock Sioux Movement: Right now, Mother Nature needs us the most. We need to switch over from fossil fuels to alternative sources of energy. May the Standing Rock Sioux movement be the moment in our history where we move from fossil fuels to alternate sources of energy!

We can do it! May this movement unite us to protect water, natural resources and Mother Earth! ~ Vetri and Mari

Your solidarity with native tribes in whatever form you can do will help to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. You can send your positive thoughts and prayers, if you are not able to physically go to the site. Just be creative to contribute your supportive energy to them.

Express Your Voice: The United States election has the power to determine the future of humanity as well as the future of our Mother Earth.Each candidate in the United States election like Dr. Jill Stein, Gray Johnson, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump represent the varying degrees of mass consciousness of humanity.

On November 8, 2016 is a voting day in the United States. It is a very important day for you to, "Express Your Voice that Represents Your Truth." ~ Vetri and Mari

We are not going to recommend whom to vote for. We are here to inspire you to exercise your free will and to listen to your heart as to whom to vote for. Yes, your vote matters to change the history of humanity. Whoever you are, you matter a great deal. Your position in your job does not describe who you truly are. It does not matter whether you are a CEO or a Janitor. All that matters is that you are a human being and your are Divine. You are Important. Your Life Matters.

It does not matter whether you are black, white, yellow, brown, or any other color. All that matters is you are a Breathing Human Being. You are Unique. You are Special and you are Precious. ~ Vetri and Mari

You are not a mistake. You are not an accident. You are valuable part of Existence. Therefore, your opinion matters. Your voice matters. Express your opinion or voice in a way, that you don’t infringe others free will. We are at the brink of destruction, or we are at the breakthrough point. By standing up, by owning your free will and by waking up, you will help humanity to go through the breakthrough point to assure in the Golden Age.

Meditate to Connect with the Greater Intelligence.On New Moon days, the energy from the Sun is not reflected back to the Earth. This is like contraction. On Full Moon days, the energy from the Sun is reflected back to the Earth. This is like expansion. The New Moon and the Full Moon are like contraction and expansion of energy of the Sun. If you look within, your heart is contracting and expanding, your lungs is contracting and expanding and your thoughts are contracting and expanding as well. If you notice, we have no control over our heart beat, or our breathing or even our thoughts. We are not aware that a greater intelligence is taking care of our important body functions.

The same intelligence which controls the cycle of the moon; also controls the cycle of your heart, cycle of your breathing and cycle of your thoughts. ~ Vetri and Mari

And you probably never even come to think of it, as to who is running the show. Most of the humanity uses less than 5% of its brain and thinks it has reached the peak of its intelligence. We are here to enlighten you that Humanity has not even touched the True Splendor of Human Potential. Most of the humanity is so engrossed in the struggle for survival or trying to win over others that they have no time for Spiritual Awakening. For this reason, it is important to take time to meditate and go within to connect with the Greater Intelligence who is patiently waiting for You. When you close your eyes, and look into the depth of your being, you will feel the presence of something. That Something is You. And long behold, if you practice it regularly you will discover that you are that Greater Intelligence. You are the enigma as well as a mystery to yourself.

A great Yogi Shri Shivabalayogi says, "Meditate and know yourself."

Happy Spiritual Awakening!

Please share with us your feedback, comments or any questions you have or regarding the information that we have shared in this article. Feel free to post on ourfacebook fan page.

With Love and Light!

Vetri and Mari

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