Occupy Boston Protesters Got Married Instead of Evicted

There was supposed to be a police crackdown at Occupy Boston overnight, but instead the protest site turned into a very literal love fest when a couple got married there as protesters stood down cops. It's not the first wedding at an Occupy site, but it's pretty incredible that it happened as an estimated 1,000 protesters filled the square to successfully resist a planned  eviction. The City of Boston had given the occupiers a midnight deadline to clear out, but when they refused to budge, police backed off and they're still at Dewey Square. Apparently the swell of solidarity pushed Aaron Spagnolo and Nanore Barsoumian to tie the knot spontaneously. Allison Kilkenny reports: "The young couple hadn't planned to make Occupy Boston's scheduled eviction their wedding night. Spangolo proposed via the People's Mic, a decision Barsoumian referred to as 'spontaneous' on Twitter, but irresistible because 'the night was just perfect.' " The report doesn't say who performed the ceremony, so we can't tell you if the marriage is official or not. But we can suggest that they can take their honeymoon at Occupy Costa Rica.

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Photo via @AyeshaKazmi on Twitter