Obama's Two Weeks of Scandalmania, in Photos

President Obama has not had an easy couple weeks. Three scandals blew up. His counterterrorism speech was one moment that drew praise from the press — who are furious over the Department of Justice investigation of reporters' communications with national security sources — was interrupted by notorious heckler Medea Benjamin. There was the IRS thing, and there was more than just that. Oh, and it was always raining. Here's visual evidence that Obama's had pretty much no fun these last two weeks.

RELATED: What Are the Solutions to This Week's Scandals?

May 13. At a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron in which he pushed back about the Benghazi attack, a tear rolled down Obama's cheek. We do not know why.

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(Photo via Reuters.)

RELATED: Obama Talks Turkey About the IRS, Syria, Benghazi, the AP Leaks

May 15. Obama with Attorney General Eric Holder at the National Peace Officers Memorial Service. That day, Holder had a confrontational appearance at a congressional hearing, and said that he couldn't say much about the Justice Department collecting the phone records of Associated Press reporters because "I was recused from the case."

RELATED: Obama's Scandal Pivot: Dare Congress to Actually Pass Laws

(Photo via Associated Press.)

Obama slumps away from the podium after announcing the acting commissioner of the IRS, Steve Miller, was fired.

(Photo via Associated Press.)

May 16. Obama held a joint press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. The Turkey stuff was mostly ignored as Obama answered questions about the IRS's targeting of conservative groups while protected rather awkwardly by a Marine's umbrella.

(Photo via Associated Press.)

May 17. Obama spoke about jobs in Baltimore on the second stop of his "Middle Class Jobs and Opportunity Tour." What, you've never heard of the "Middle Class Jobs and Opportunity Tour"? That's because there are more interesting things going on.

(Photo via Associated Press.)

May 19. Obama gave the commencement address at Morehouse College in Atlanta. It rained. Here's Rep. John Lewis trying to stay dry.

(Photo via Associated Press.)

May 23. Obama announced an end to perpetual borderless war on Thursday. This momentous occasion was interrupted by serial heckler Medea Benjamin of Code Pink.

(Photo via Associated Press.)

Three times.

(Photo via Associated Press.)

And everyone made fun of the president's 1979 prom photos, which Time magazine resurfaced that day.

(Photo via Time.)

May 24. On his way to deliver the commencement address at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland — where it rained again — Obama forgot to return the salute of this Marine at the steps of Marine One. He ran back and chatted with the Marine. One crisis averted.

(Photo via Reuters.)