The Obamas planting a tree inspires Photoshop battle that will leaf you cracking up

For the past year, the internet's been Photoshopping the crap out of Donald Trump's every move. It's about time we took it back for a little blast from the past, Obamas edition.

During the first 100 days of his first term as president, Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama took some time to help plant a tree at the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in Washington, D.C. From the looks of this photo, Michelle did all the work, and Barack wore a white-collared shirt.

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Image: REX/Shutterstock

People have made fun of the image in the past, but it's long overdue for a good ole Photoshop battle, courtesy of Reddit. 

Things immediately got super dark.

Image: s123man/reddit

And things also got super festive.

Image: thephotoshopkid/reddit

Image: 2Thebreezes/reddit

The photo was adapted into Eero Järnefelt's 1893 painting 'Burning the Brushwood.'

Image: artunitinc/reddit

If only they knew what that had just discovered.

Image: mickeybloom/reddit 

This really accentuates how poorly dressed they both are for the task at hand. 

Image: hanky1979/reddit

America's cash crop. 

Image: David_Evergreen/reddit

And, of course, Trump showed up to undo all of the Obama's hard work.

Image: metrodrone/reddit

Check out all the 'shops on the thread on Reddit

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