Obama Needs Another Commerce Secretary: Bryson Resigns

President Obama's commerce secretary John Bryson has finally resigned after being cited for a felony hit-and-run following two car crashes in L.A. last week, and so the hex on Obama's too-numerous picks for commerce secretary wins again. "I have come to the conclusion that I need to step down to prevent distractions from this critical mission," Bryson said in a statement Thursday. He'd been on leave since shortly after the incident. The Commerce Department is saying he suffered a seizure, but we assume the administration didn't want to get tied up while investigators sort that out. As the story unfolded last week, we noted that Obama's had some seriously bad luck with his nominees and appointees to what's typically a relatively unnoticed position. Better luck to the next candidate, we guess. Here's his full note to the department, via The Wall Street Journal:

Dear Commerce Team,

I have informed the President that I am resigning as Secretary of Commerce.

The work that you do to help America’s entrepreneurs and businesses build our economy and create jobs is more important now than ever and I have come to the conclusion that I need to step down to prevent distractions from this critical mission.

I feel privileged to have been part of the progress we have made together for our businesses and workers as they “build it here and sell it everywhere.”

As I step down from the Cabinet, Dr. Blank will continue to serve as Acting Secretary. As you know, she provided very able leadership in this role last year, and I have every confidence that on her watch going forward the Commerce Department will continue to fulfill its mission with excellence.

In my personal capacity, I will continue to do everything I can to support the President and America’s businesses as they continue to advance innovation, U.S. competitiveness, and prosperity for our people in the months and years ahead.

Thank you for your many thoughtful and kind notes over this last week. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve with you.


John Bryson