Obama Gaffe Takes Center Stage in New Romney Video











The Romney campaign is out with a web ad slamming Obama for his gaffe on Friday, when he said that "the private sector is doing fine."

The video opens with ominous music and the clip of Obama speaking at his Friday press conference, then cuts to black and white clips of out of work Americans talking about their inability to find jobs and their financial difficulties.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm a failure," one says.

The video ends with Obama's gaffe played on loop and big block letters asserting "No, Mr. President, we are not 'doing fine.'" It directs viewers to ObamaIsntWorking.com, a splash page with a donation form and an earlier video attacking Obama on government spending.

In response the Obama campaign accused their opposition of trying to "distract" from his flawed economic policies.

“Mitt Romney’s newest video is a failed attempt to distract from the shocking reality that his only new idea to grow the economy is to cut jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police," said Obama campaign Spokeswoman Lis Smith in a statement.