Obama Up in New Fox News Poll

President Obama tops Mitt Romney in the latest Fox News poll released on Thursday, marking his second lead outside the margin of error this year.

After a series of overseas gaffes and a barrage of attack ads, Romney now trails the president by nine points, with 40 percent. This is the biggest lead yet for the president in Fox polls.

Obama holds an 11-point advantage over Romney among independent voters, a seven-point increase over last month. Still, only some 30 percent of those voters are undecided.

The president’s lead also jumped among women, blacks and Democrats.

Signaling that the Obama campaign’s attacks on Romney’s career at Bain Capital might be working with voters, Romney’s favorability rating dropped six points to 46 percent. The percentage of voters who have a positive view of Obama jumped two percentage points to 54 percent . This ties the president's highest favorability rating in the last year.

Earlier on Thursday, a new CNN/ORC International poll found the president with a seven-point lead over Romney at 52 percent.

The Fox News poll was conducted by Democratic group Anderson Robbins Research and Republican group Shaw & Company Research between Aug. 5 and 7 among 1,045 registered voters. The margin of error was three percentage points.