Obama Embraces 'Obamacare,' Sort Of

For more than two years, conservatives have derisively referred to President Obama's health care overhaul as "Obamacare," but on his bus tour of the Midwest Monday, the president kinda, sorta, a little bit embraced the term. Speaking in Cannon Falls, Minnesota, Obama offered this groaner: "I have no problem with folks saying 'Obamacares' ... I do care."

ABC News' Jake Tapper wonders if this means it's officially okay to use "Obamacare" now. It would certainly be a good thing for headline writers, as "Obamacare" has like a million less letters than "Obama's health care overhaul."


And Mediaite's Colby Hall wonders if the White House is trying to reclaim the word. He's not sure if it will work:

Astute readers will point that the term in question is "Obamacare," not "Obamacares," and while some will view this like a kid answering playground bullies by saying, "Yes, I am a homo…a homo sapien," the President seemed genuine in his dismissal of the term. After all, the notion that a president should care about his constituents shouldn't be considered such a bad thing, right? 

Video of Obama's speech: