Obama Campaign Aides: No Expectation of Post-Convention Bounce

Despite feeling positive with the Democratic National Convention, the Obama campaign has been quick to damper down expectations of a post-convention bounce in the polls.

On Friday, Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said President Obama is unlikely to see a bounce, citing a lack of a bounce for Mitt Romney after the Republican National Convention.

“We've long said we didn't expect to get one,” Psaki said on Fox & Friends. “We know this election is close. There's a small group of undecided voters. Last night and this week has been not only about energizing our base, but getting people excited to be out there, convincing some of the people that the president offers the right choice for the next four years.”

Obama senior adviser David Plouffe sounded similar themes on Thursday, noting how tight the race was, but he also said that Republicans “missed the mark” on their convention.

“We've always believed that there's very little elasticity in this election,” he said on ABC’s Good Morning America. “I don't think you should expect a big bounce. I think this is a race where we've got a small but important lead into battleground states.”

In previous elections, candidates have generally seen a lift in the polls following their convention, though it did not always last. According to two polls released this week, Romney saw little movement following the Republican convention in Tampa last week.