Obama Camp Puts Out ‘Fact Check’ Video on Ryan Speech


The Obama campaign released a video early Thursday morning splicing parts of Rep. Paul Ryan’s convention speech with talking heads fact-checking the claims, including comments on Medicare, the stimulus, a GM plant in Wisconsin and the Bowles-Simpson debt commission.

The video, entitled “Wrong for the Middle Class,” leads off with Ryan’s claim – one that has been used by the Romney camp for a few weeks now – that President Obama “funneled” more than $700 billion out of Medicare to help pay for the health care overhaul. That claim has been considered misleading by several fact-checking sites, which note that Ryan assumes those cuts in his own budget. The video collects talking heads batting down the claim.

The Obama camp put out a second video, called “An Unshakable Record,” that uses the infamous “Etch-a-Sketch” line uttered by a Romney campaign aide earlier this year in order to attack Romney on topics like outsourcing and Bain Capital, Romney’s line about being a “severely conservative Republican” and his offshore accounts.