Obama to attend Harvey Weinstein’s 32k per plate fundraiser in May

Next month, President Barack Obama will attend a $32,400 per plate fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee at the tony New York City home of Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s most terrifying — and perhaps most powerful — producer, Page Six reports.

The event will be hosted by both Weinstein and his shockingly hot wife, Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman.

Sixty-five guests were invited to an “a frank and intimate discussion with the president” on May 13. According to the invitation, the president will take a photo and say “thank you” to each guest afterward — quite the reward for handing over a fat check for an amount that many Americans don’t make in a year.

Page Six obtained the invitation to the event, which explains why Obama needs a fundraiser so shortly after winning his second — and final — presidential term.

“You may be asking why [Obama] needs to hit the trail and start fund-raising so soon after his successful re-election, and the reason is twofold,” the invitation reads.

“Even Republicans concede that part of our victory stemmed from the fact that with no primary opponent…our re-elect team used the extra time to build a large campaign operation melding a grass-roots army of 2.2 million volunteers with groundbreaking technology…We can’t let them use the next two years to catch up.”

According to the invite, “The DNC is the only organization whose sole mission is to support the president and help him pass his agenda, whether that’s gun control or immigration reform. The White House alone doesn’t have the manpower or the resources to withstand the attacks and control the message.”

Since the White House doesn’t have the manpower or resources, the natural step is to call on Hollywood moguls and fashion insiders to foot the bill.

Last August, Weinstein’s pre-election fundraiser was attended by Anne Hathaway, Aaron Sorkin and Vogue editor and Obama bundler Anna Wintour.

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