Nothing Perks Up a Marriage Proposal Like Impending Doom

Hark, a new entry in our ever-growing list of questionable marriage proposals! In this case, as reported by the Chicago Sun-Times, pilot Ryan Thompson proposed during a sightseeing flight with his girlfriend by claiming something was wrong with the plane and asking her to read through an "emergency manual" that included an instruction to begin a "ring engagement procedure." How romantic. As a YouTube video posted by the couple earlier this week (the engagement happened in February) announces, "She thought we were dying and ended up with a ring!"

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Aw. It was less than a month ago that we warned people how not to propose, inspired by the Russian man who faked his car accident death to see how much his girlfriend really loved him before he asked for her hand in marriage. This one's not that bad, but given how we all feel about plane crashes, "Honey, I need you to stay calm, the flight controls aren't responding" as a way to open things up to a discussion of forever hardly seems ideal.

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On the plus side, it became clear quite quickly that this "we might die" charade was part of a proposal and not, actually, an emergency situation. Whew. Also, Thompson's extremely laid-back and game-to-deal-with-an-emergency betrothed was "never angry, not even for a second," and the video is rather cute (watch below). So, it worked for them, apparently. But does anyone else get nervous considering what would happen if the couple erupted in spontaneous hugging and screaming upon the realization that this is indeed a proposal, or is that just me? These people are in the air! In a tiny plane! Don't take your eyes off the road! (They do.)

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There could also be a case to be made that Thompson came up with this whole plan just to be able to use the phrase "In Descent Proposal" to title the eventually viral proposal video, and for that, headline writers of America tip their hats to him. 

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Image via Shutterstock/Phase4Photography.