Not all kratom is equal. A new Oklahoma law will help protect consumers from its risks.

As an Oklahoma state representative, I am proud to have authored House Bill 3574, an essential piece of legislation that addresses gaps in kratom regulation in our state. With the passage of this bill, Oklahoma takes a significant step forward in safeguarding the health and well-being of our citizens while promoting responsible industry practices.

Kratom, a natural product derived from plants indigenous to Southeast Asia, has gained popularity in recent years for its potential benefits, including relaxation and mood enhancement. However, alongside consumer and commercial interest in kratom comes the need for robust regulation to ensure consumer safety and industry integrity.

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New Oklahoma kratom bill provides clarity and safety

House Bill 3574 provides industry clarity and consumer safety by stipulating specific food-safe processes for manufacturing kratom products. The amended law also provides new definitions of both "kratom leaf" and "kratom leaf extract” acknowledging that "not all kratom is equal." This ensures the common-sense regulations apply to all forms of kratom available for retail sale in the state, including leaf kratom and kratom extracts sold in powder, capsule and liquid form. The bill achieves additional consumer safety measures by further reducing the 7-hyrdoxymitragynine limit to 1% and clarifying Oklahoma's existing prohibition on synthesized kratom products.

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One of the primary motivations behind HB 3574 was the need to amend the existing Oklahoma Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) to better align the KCPA bill that was filed in 2021 to the realities of the kratom marketplace. Simply put, we have created regulations that put consumer safety first.

HB 3574 also updates labeling requirements for kratom products. These labeling requirements include information on recommended serving sizes, the number of servings that may be safely consumed in a day and a disclaimer stating that kratom products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, consumers are advised to consult with their healthcare professional if they have any questions or concerns about kratom use.

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Clear labeling empowers informed decisions

By mandating clear and comprehensive labeling, we empower consumers to make informed decisions about their purchases and usage of kratom products. Providing essential information on ingredients, alkaloid content and recommended usage not only enhances consumer safety but also promotes transparency within the industry. Consumers have the right to know what they are consuming and how it may affect their health, and HB 3574 ensures this information is readily available to them.

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House Bill 3574 represents a significant step forward in ensuring the quality, purity and safety of kratom products in Oklahoma. By incorporating essential measures to uphold product integrity and by mandating clear labeling requirements, we aim to protect consumers while promoting responsible industry practices. These common-sense changes which both protect consumers and strengthen the industry were supported by the Global Kratom Coalition.

I am confident this legislation will serve as a model for other states seeking to address similar concerns surrounding kratom regulation.

I extend my sincere gratitude to my colleagues in the House and Senate for passing HB 3574 into law. The Legislature's commitment to prioritizing the health and safety of Oklahoma residents demonstrates strong leadership and a dedication to advancing public health and welfare. With the enactment of this legislation, Oklahoma sets a positive example in regulating kratom products effectively and responsibly.

Rep. Daniel Pae
Rep. Daniel Pae

Daniel Pae represents District 62 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Oklahoma kratom law is designed to keep people safe