'Not interested in labels' - quotes from the Democratic presidential debate

By Michael Martina and Amanda Becker

MANCHESTER, N.H./WASHINGTON Feb 7 (Reuters) - Seven candidates vying for the Democratic nomination to take on President Donald Trump in November participated in the eighth presidential debate on Friday.

Here are quotations from the contenders on stage in New Hampshire:


Former Vice President Joe Biden: "We have to bring along the United States Senate, and Bernie's labeled himself - not me - a democratic socialist. I think that's the label that the president's going to lay on everyone running with Bernie if he's the nominee."

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren: "This fundamental question about how we bring our party together, we have to think about it in new ways. People across this country, whether they're Democrats, independents or Republicans, understand that we've got a government right now that works great for those the top, works great for giant drug companies, just not for people trying to get a prescription filled."

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar: "I think we are not going to be able to out-divide the divider in chief, and I think we need someone to head up this ticket that actually brings people with her instead of shutting them out."

Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg: “I’m not interested in labels. I’m not interested in what Republicans are going to say. I’m interested in the style of politics that we need to put forward to actually, finally, turn the page - in order to win, yes, but also in order to govern."

(Reporting by Amanda Becker in Washington and Michael Martina in New Hampshire; editing by Jonathan Oatis)