My Take: It's not hard when you look at our problems logically

Challenge accepted.

Recently an opinion letter was published in The Sentinel that “challenged the authors of all the recent anti-Republican Sentinel letters to come up with a plan of action that solves some problems.”

I am more than happy to accept that challenge, but let’s get a few things straight. I am and have been a Republican my whole life, but I will not vote for someone simply because they have an “R” in front of their name. The opinion pieces I have written are anti-OI commissioners and their misguided antics. Some of the problems stated are inflated or just not true.

Let’s start with the top three:

  • Border crisis and dealing with the millions of undocumented immigrants that have already crossed our border

  • Violent crimes committed by illegals

  • Fentanyl deaths

Border bill, border bill, border bill

This bill was penned by a bipartisan committee led by the very conservative Republican James Langford from Oklahoma. The bill was backed by the Border Control Agency. The bill was passed by the Senate.

The bill would:

  • Add 4,300 asylum officers

  • Add 100 immigration judges

  • Add 1,500 border patrol personnel

  • Fund 100 cutting-edge inspection machines that detect drugs.

Would this eliminate all three of these problems? No, but anybody with a 10th-grade education can see the value in passing this bill in the House of Representatives. However, Moses Mike Johnson will neither bring it up for avote nor even allow it to be debated on the floor. The MAGA crew under instruction from a sneaker salesman do not want to give the Democrats a win.

What about a win for the American people? Maybe we don’t factor into the equation. So you see there is already a plan of action for your top three problems and you really don’t need a schmuck like me with a 12th-grade education to figure it out.

Funding for Ukraine, Israel

If Ukraine loses, we all lose. A dictator is attempting to conquer a democratic country and he will not stop there. Sound familiar? Go read a history book. This is exactly what Hitler did in the late 1930s. Congress sat on their hands then and by the time we realized what was going on it, was too late. It eventually cost us 420,000 American lives.

The plan is to allow the House of Representatives to vote on it. The funding would pass but Moses Mike and his buddy the Bible salesman don’t want that. Israel, on the other hand, in my opinion, doesn't seem to need any funding. What is it? 32,000-plus dead Palestinians and counting in what will turn into a land grab by Israel.

Sorry, that last part is my own little conspiracy theory but then again let’s wait and see.

High interest rates and inflation; 14%+ since January 2021

Yes, interest rates are high; the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to control inflation and is about to start lowering them. It takes time. So once again, a plan is in place.

The inflation rate has not been above 14% since 1980, when it hit 18.2%. The inflation rate went up to 7% in 2021, 6% in 2022, 3.4% in 2023 and is currently at 3.2%. No plan necessary; the aforementioned interest rate controls are the plan — and it’s working.

Crime rate

The crime rate climbed some starting in late 2019 and 2020, in my opinion, due to the pandemic (guessing here) but has been going down since due to job growth and low unemployment. Crime rates vary from state to state depending on the laws. I don’t know if one plan is even feasible.

Divided country (Biden promised to unify)

This is going to be hard for Biden to do especially when you have MAGA Republicans like Joe Posobiec promoting just the opposite. Posobiec spoke to the Conservative Political Action Committee in February and his opening statement was “welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely.” Quite possibly even worse is that people cheered and applauded. Think about that for just a minute.

The plan, at this point, because Nikki Haley dropped out, is to vote Joe Biden back in as president. I vote we don’t overthrow democracy. I sorta like it.

Enriching Iran

I would love to know how the United States is enriching Iran. Did I miss something? Is this a Q thing? Is Q still a thing? Maybe it was on the "Dr. Phil show," in which case I know I missed it.

I would go on and talk about how to save the Republican Party, but that would be like beating a dead elephant. So adios for now.

— Bill Fey is a resident of Holland.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: My Take: It's not hard when you look at our problems logically