Europe is getting its first underwater restaurant and the rest of the world should take note

Move over Seaworld, there's a new attraction in town and you can eat there.

A Norwegian architecture firm, Snøhetta, is building Europe's first underwater restaurant called Under, and it hopefully won't be the last.

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Image: snohetta website

Image: snohetta website

According to Snøhetta's website, the restaurant will have three levels: wardrobe area, champagne bar, and the dinning room. The restaurant will also function as a research center for marine life.

Wanna eat dinner surrounded by marine life? We do, too.

The restaurant will stand five meters deep (about 16 feet) below sea level and will serve seafood from lobster to truffles. Where's the sign up sheet?

Image: snohetta website

The lead architect Rune Grasdal told CNN the benefits of the project and what guests can expect: "One of the benefits of this building is how it links nature and land, and how you can come safe from the land and in a very dramatic way go down through this concrete tube to the nature at sea level, and experience what normally is not experienced."

While the restaurant won't be open until 2019, we'll just have to settle for the ones on land.

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