North Kingstown coach likely violated policy. Why 'fat-testing' investigation is qualified

NORTH KINGSTOWN — An independent investigator for the School Department has determined it’s “more probable than not” that former boys basketball coach Aaron Thomas violated school rules for years when he conducted his “fat testing” on student athletes who were alone in his office and allegedly undressed.

Lawyer Matthew Oliverio said in the first part of his report, released Wednesday night by the School Committee, that he had to regrettably qualify his findings because he did not get a chance to speak to the main complainant in the case, a former student, or Thomas himself.

He did, however, review their statements — both the student’s statement given to his lawyer and Thomas’s remarks to police investigators.

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Coach Aaron Thomas speaking to his players on the North Kingstown basketball team in 2010.
Coach Aaron Thomas speaking to his players on the North Kingstown basketball team in 2010.

Oliverio reported that after reading those reports and speaking to seven former students and several former school colleagues of Thomas — who resigned earlier this year — “there is sufficient corroborating and independent testimony from other witnesses that lead me to conclude that Mr. Thomas’ version of events" raise many questions.

For example, Oliverio wrote, “at least five of the seven former students I was able to interview admitted that they were asked to remove their underwear 'if they were comfortable,' 'shy or not shy' to get 'a more accurate measurement.'”

But Thomas “adamantly denies that he ever requested that students remove their underwear or that he conducted testing while a student was naked,” Oliverio reports.

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His report includes the police statement Thomas gave two detectives in February. Thomas told the detectives “that the students never had to get down to their underwear and that they never took their underwear off for any portion of the test. He advised that the 'shy or not shy' question was in reference to the students taking off their shirt and not their underwear.”

But Oliverio questioned why the students would lie about being asked to undress: “I found all the former students to be sincere and credible. I also discerned no reason why they would fabricate such a tale, particularly since some of the witnesses ... were not troubled by the coach’s conduct, or believed there was any sexual or harassing motive.”

Thomas told the detectives he began a fat-testing program about 20 years ago “as a method of helping the athletes become more competitive. The idea of the program was to provide measurable goals for the student. The test would include body measurements, skin fold caliper fat tests, and flexibility assessments for students with issues.”

Thomas conducted the fat-testing program up until three years ago, he said, when “a fat-test machine was purchased; eliminating the need for human involvement.”

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Thomas has not been charged with any crime. In June, the North Kingstown Police Department completed its investigation regarding complaints of Thomas’ fat-testing practice without taking any action. But the matter has since been referred to the attorney general’s office for further inquiry.

Meanwhile, the School Committee has agreed to a request by a lawyer representing three former students to turn over all records it has on Thomas and his fat-testing practice.

More: North Kingstown Schools agree to turn over records on ex-coach's 'fat testing' practice

In a statement Wednesday evening, the School Committee said it had asked Oliverio to expand his investigation and provide a “phase 2” report, due in late January, with committee recommendations to follow.

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This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: North Kingstown coach Aaron Thomas likely violated policy, report says