North Jersey school district to close early because of April solar eclipse

Livingston Public Schools announced that on April 8 an early dismissal will take place due to the solar eclipse that will occur later that afternoon, according to the public school's academic calendar.

Superintendent of Schools Matthew J. Block wrote a letter addressing the school community on Wednesday about the concern over student safety with the eclipse taking place that afternoon around their regular dismissal time.

Block stated in the letter that many of the students will be "outside and unsupervised during the eclipse" if they ran under regular school hours. The superintendent is concerned that without the proper equipment, the eclipse could damage the students' eyes.

According to the address the district physician echoed the same concerns that were brought up by Block.

The Livingston Board of Education approved the decision on Wednesday as the elementary school and high school be let out at noon, and the Mount Pleasant and Heritage middle schools will be dismissed at 12:45.

New Jersey will not be in the direct path for the best view of the eclipse, but residents can still get a view depending on the weather on April 8. Northern New Jersey should be able to see 92% coverage of the eclipse.

Do not look directly into the eclipse as it can damage your vision. Instead view with eclipse glasses, welder's glasses, telescope or binoculars equipped with solar filters, or a pinhole projection box.

Science centers, department stores and shops online have the glasses available so you can enjoy the event safely. According to NASA the next total eclipse will not happen until Aug. 23, 2044.

This article originally appeared on Livingston NJ schools to close early for April solar eclipse