The nine lessons for happiness everyone should know

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happy emoji

Have you ever wondered why happiness can seem fleeting – why you may feel happy for a certain period of time, but struggle to maintain the feeling? If so, new research could provide the answer. A study from the University of Bristol shows that while it is possible to learn how to boost your mood, it also reveals that you have to work at happiness to make it stick.

The new study looked at students in Bristol who had participated in a 10-week happiness course, which was set up in 2018 following a crisis in mental health at the university, a situation echoed around the country. The course taught its participants about positive psychology and the neuroscience of happiness. And it also suggested exercises known to improve happiness, such as writing a thank-you letter or chatting to a stranger.

It found that those who did the course experienced an initial 10-15 per cent boost in their happiness levels. But, two years on, only the students who continued to do the things they had learnt in the course maintained this lift. Those who stopped had reverted to baseline happiness. In short, you have to keep working on happiness if you want to keep feeling that way.

Prof Bruce Hood, lead researcher and author of The Science of Happiness, says: “It’s like going to the gym – we can’t expect to do one class and be fit forever. Just as with physical health, we have to continuously work on our mental health, otherwise the improvements are temporary.”

And he says the common theme to many of the techniques is to divert attention away from yourself, by, for example, helping others, being with friends or meditating.

“This is the opposite of the current ‘self-care’ doctrine, but countless studies have shown that getting out of our own heads helps to get us away from negative ruminations which can be the basis of so many mental health problems,” he says.

Dr Andy Cope, author of The Art of Being Brilliant, agrees that modern society is damaging our wellbeing. “People are on their phones, scrolling through negative news, not having real connection and contact with people. It’s no wonder so many are struggling. The world is conspiring against good mental health.”

To rewire your brain and end up in a permanently happier place, practise these nine behaviours on a long-term basis...

How to boost happiness

The ten-five rule

If a person is 10ft from you, make eye contact. If a person is five feet from you, smile and say hello. This makes you lift your head up and engage with the world. It is a small kindness hack that can boost your mood and the mood of others.

Spend time with your closest friends

According to Oxford psychologist Robert Dunbar, more than 60 per cent of our social time is devoted to our five closest friends. That’s followed by successive layers of 15 good friends, 50 friends, 150 meaningful contacts, 500 acquaintances and 1,500 people you can recognise. From a happiness point of view, it pays to invest in those closest to you. Laughing with friends has been shown to be beneficial for your heart, lungs and stress control.

Hold open a door

Undertaking an act of kindness, such as holding open a door for a stranger triggers the brain pleasure centre. One of the largest studies into kindness, The Kindness Test, carried out in 2021, looked at 60,000 people and showed that those who regularly volunteer see a change in brain chemistry - the release of oxytocin and serotonin, two hormones which boost mood. Volunteering has one of the biggest benefits for health in general, with studies showing it reduces risk of dying by a quarter. Those who carry out nice acts for strangers also report feeling more confident, competent and purposeful. Kindness also fosters empathy, deeper relationships, incites positive feelings and promotes good heart health.

young people volunteering
Volunteering has one of the biggest benefits for health in general - Digital Vision

Strike up conversations with strangers

If you live in a large city, chances are you don’t regularly strike up conversations with strangers. But doing so has been proven to boost a sense of belonging and improve mood and happiness. One 2014 study in London and Chicago found that those who spoke talk to fellow commuters felt more positive than those who didn’t. Research shows that talking to strangers can stimulate our brain in ways that familiar interactions don’t, sharpening our thinking. Talking to strangers can also boost self-confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment. 

Write down three good things that happened in your day

Studies show that those who write down a few sentences about good things in their day for 10 weeks are more optimistic and feel better about their lives than those who write neutral things. Surprisingly, they also exercise more and have fewer visits to the doctor.

Write a thank-you letter to someone

In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly associated with a greater level of happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. A study from the University of Pennsylvania showed that those who wrote and personally delivered a letter of gratitude exhibited a huge increase in happiness. This impact was greater than that from any other intervention, with benefits lasting for a month.

Walk in nature for five minutes

Walking just five minutes in nature has been proven to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, improving mood and boosting the immune system. A study in Poland found a decrease in stress in young adults who spent 15 minutes in an urban park in winter. A further study by the University of Exeter found that just five minutes of nature exposure reduced stress. Optimal benefits are achieved by spending 120 minutes a week in nature - or 17 minutes a day. A 2022 study in Molecular Psychiatry found that the stress-related brain regions were deactivated in nature but not in urban walks.  In Japan, meanwhile, Shinrin-yoku - the art of forest bathing - involves walking in woods while focussing on your senses and surroundings. Numerous studies show that people who are more connected with nature are usually happier in life and more likely to report feeling their lives are worthwhile.

lady walking in nature
Walking just five minutes in nature has been proven to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol - Stone RF

Seven-second hugging

It might not come naturally to everyone but hugs are great for the body. You need to hold them for seven seconds, however,  in order for your brain to release oxytocin, the hormone linked to increased trust, calm and creativity. Hugs also trigger the release of immuno-regulatory hormones that are linked to your immune system. In one 2014 study of 400 adults, researchers found that hugging – a perceived measure of social support – reduced the chances of getting sick. Hugs are also shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate. They have also been linked to reducing anxiety in people with low self-esteem.

Embrace change and find a sense of purpose

Kaizen is a Japanese term that means making a continuous change for the better. It is largely a business philosophy but can be applied to all areas of life. The idea is that achieving gradual advancements across the board leads to perpetual improvement. The method involves everyone taking small steps towards recognising needs and defining obstacles, such as getting up 15 minutes earlier than usual to fit in a short but invigorating workout in the morning to boost your overall health.

Another focus in Japan, a country with one of the longest life expectancies, is on the concept of ikigai, which loosely means your reason for being. It is considered your life purpose and inspires you to get out of bed. Importantly, ikigai focuses on doing something we love within a group that benefits all. A popular example is to focus on making a difference in other people’s lives to give your own life a sense of purpose. The belief is that a life without ikigai lacks passion, purpose and fulfilment. It is also about finding happiness in the smallest things in life. It gives you a purpose to live, even if you are miserable in the moment.

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