NH panel endorses 15-cent gas tax hike

New Hampshire House panel recommends hiking gas tax 15 cents over 4 years

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- A House panel is recommending raising New Hampshire's gas tax 15 cents over four years and dropping a plan to also increase vehicle registration fees.

The House Public Works and Highways Committee voted unanimously Thursday to recommend the tax increase to pay for road and bridge improvements. The bill would spread the increase on diesel fuel over six years to ease the impact on trucking companies. The full House next votes on the bill.

The original bill called for a 12-cent gas tax hike and a $15 increase in vehicle registration fees spread over three years.

Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Morse criticized the proposal as the wrong recipe for improving the economy. Morse, a Salem Republican, is sponsoring a casino bill to raise money for highway and bridge improvements.