NH House rejects collective bargaining limits

NH House kills bill that barred unions from collecting bargaining costs from nonunion workers

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- New Hampshire's House has again rejected legislation that would have barred employers from negotiating contracts with unions that collect administrative fees from nonunion workers.

The House voted 212-141 to kill the bill Wednesday.

New Hampshire labor leaders, workers and community members oppose the bill introduced by former House Speaker William O'Brien, a Mont Vernon Republican.

Supporters argue it is wrong to force workers to pay the fees as a condition of employment even if it is part of a collective bargaining agreement negotiated between workers and their employer.

Legislators defeated a similar bill last year. Gov. John Lynch vetoed a bill in 2011.

Like the previous bills, the current bill would have allowed non-union employees to abstain from paying union dues for contract negotiations.