Next up on Pete Souza's Trump trolling list: The Pope

If there's one thing we know to be true in 2017, it's that every breath President Trump takes, every move he makes, Pete Souza will be watching him.

On Wednesday morning America awoke to yet another glorious Trump meme circulating, courtesy of his visit with Pope Francis, who was photographed looking less than thrilled about the president's visit to Italy.

Upon seeing the Pope look sad to be standing in the midst of this man who called him "disgraceful" back in 2016, the internet went wild. Naturally, Souza took this opportunity to highlight Obama's solid relationship with the Pope.

SEE ALSO: Pete Souza shares adorable, perfectly-timed photo of the Obamas

For reference, here is some evidence of the Pope looking straight up pissed in Trump's presence today. We can't make this stuff up.

Souza must have immediately noticed that Trump's interaction with the Pope looked just a hair more somber than former president Obama's did just last year, so he raced to Instagram to remind us all.

Captioned "Mutual admiration, 2016," the photograph showed Obama and the Pope mid-handshake with their heads bowed towards each other, and massive smiles upon their faces.

Mutual admiration, 2016.

A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on May 24, 2017 at 6:55am PDT

Now sure, it appears as though Francis was not 100% sullen the entire visit and in fact, did crack a smile at one point.

We'll give Trump that, but does Souza care about one contradictory photo? No. We've reached a point in time where Souza trolling knows no bounds. He can't stop trolling and he won't stop trolling.

Despite the Pope's sad, grumpy face, Trump tweeted after his visit to the Vatican to let the world know he was honored by the meeting and determined to pursue "PEACE."

Good luck, Trump. But we have a feeling Souza's Instagram isn't going to let you have any.

The former White House photographer also recently secured a book deal with Little, Brown and Company. Souza's Obama: An Intimate Portrait, is set to be published in Nov. 2017 and will reportedly include over 300 Obama pictures, sure to delight Trump.

As his publishing date draws near it seems like a pretty good time for Souza to troll as much as possible. After all, gotta keep the fans happy!

WATCH: Obama's official White House photographer is Insta-trolling Trump

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