Quick Tip: Put Chalk in Your Toolbox to Prevent Rust

Prevent Toolbox Rust
Prevent Toolbox Rust

It's a great feeling to have all of your tried-and-true tools in one handy toolbox, but that feeling can quickly be eclipsed if you go to grab something only to discover that its shiny metal exterior is now covered in rust. There's an easy solution, though: Once you've finished cleaning and shining them, simply drop a few pieces of chalk in your toolbox to help keep moisture to a minimum. Less moisture will mean less worry over rust.

Prevent Toolbox Rust - Chalk
Prevent Toolbox Rust - Chalk

No need to stock up on anything fancy; a bundle of the typical blackboard stuff will do the trick. Then all you need to do is remember to switch in a new handful of chalk every few months. (The same pieces won't keep your metal tools fresh for years.) But once you get into the habit of switching them out with the changing of the seasons, it's a simple task to follow through on—and one with big time-saving results in the long run. The genius of this trick can be applied in other moisture-loving areas of your home, too! Chalk works wonders tucked into a drawer with your good silverware or wrapped in a small sachet in your jewelry box to help prevent tarnish. Why can't all household maintenance be this easy?

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