News Summary: Horse slaughterhouse blames politics

Proposed New Mexico horse slaughterhouse accuses Obama administration of IRS-style politics

SLAUGHTERHOUSE DISPUTE: A southeastern New Mexico company's plans to convert a cattle plant into a horse slaughterhouse has hit another roadblock, this time over an environmental dispute that the company's attorney blames on the Obama administration putting politics over policy.

COMPANY'S SIDE: Blair Dunn, who represents Valley Meat Co. of Roswell in its more than yearlong effort to get approval to slaughter horses, says the U.S. Department of Agriculture keeps changing the rules because it opposes horse slaughter.

THE DEBATE: Valley Meat's application to resume domestic horse slaughter has ignited an emotional, national debate over whether horses are livestock or domestic companions. The company wants to ship horse meat to countries where it is consumed by humans or as animal feed.