"Never Say Never," BioWare Says About Returning to Jade Empire

Although a sequel to BioWare's beloved Jade Empire is not in active development, the studio does frequently talk about how it could revive the franchise with a new game, the company has stated.

During Kotaku's recent Q&A with key creative BioWare developers, a fan asked if there was any hope that the studio would return to the Jade Empire series someday.

"Well there's always hope," BioWare Edmonton and Montreal general manager Aaryn Flynn said with a smiley face. "Both [BioWare developers Mark Darrah and Mike Laidlaw] worked on Jade Empire, so they're advocates for it in the studio (so is Matt Goldman, DAI's Art Director). I worked on it too!"

"Our plate is awfully full right now, but the idea to go back to the universe does come up pretty regularly," he added. "Mark and I spent a solid two hours in my office talking about it not long ago..."

Darrah himself added: "Never say never, but no current plans."

BioWare currently has a number of projects on its plate, including ongoing support for Dragon Age: Inquisition and Star Wars: The Old Republic, the next Mass Effect, and a brand new IP.

The original Jade Empire was released for Xbox ten years ago next month in April 2005.

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