Netflix Says Offering Netflix Is The Only Way to Get People to Work Out

Whispering about your fat. (Photo: Netflix)
Whispering about your fat. (Photo: Netflix)

Whispering about your fat. (Photo: Netflix)

It usually takes a fork lift and the promise of a peanut butter shake to lure us from our couch to the gym, but apparently telling us we can binge watch Netflix has the same effect. A new survey of 1,000 people reveals that more than 50 percent are willing to exercise if they could also watch Netflix.

The survey, which was conducted by Netflix, shows that 36 percent of participants favor sitcoms. Serialized dramas ticked into the number two slot at 27 percent, followed by fantasy (24 percent) and lastly reality shows slide into last place at 20 percent.

In a press release from the company, Netflix seems pretty satisfied with its proof that people should never stop watching its product: "That makes sense, as multiple studies show that watching entertainment, like Netflix, while working out makes people more likely to exercise for longer periods of time and stick with their fitness regimen."

And it's even more amazing that Netflix found a "celebrity fitness expert and New York Times bestselling author" (same!) named Harley Pasternak that agrees with Netflix's findings:

"I call it the Netflix fitness effect," said Mr. Pasternak. "My clients have been working out with Netflix for years. It makes cardio feel easier and less boring. Whether you're watching at home doing resistance exercises or taking your tablet or phone to the gym, Netflix gives people an extra reason to sweat."

We guess that sweating is caused from embarrassment of seeing a sex scene from House of Cards in public.