Netanyahu Will Call for 'Red Line' in U.N. Address

After weeks of pushing the U.S. to join him in setting a “red line” for Iran’s nuclear program, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver his remarks to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday.

He is expected to continue the same message, pleading to Western nations to join his country in taking action if Iran were to cross the line, Reuters reports. Netanyahu is reportedly not going to contradict President Obama’s comments on Tuesday, when he said the U.S. “will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

“The prime minister will set a clear red line in his speech that will not contradict Obama’s remarks,” an Israeli official told Reuters. “Obama said Iran won't have nuclear weapons. The prime minister will clarify the way in which Iran won't have nuclear arms.”

Netanyahu has previously warned that Iran is dangerously close to having enough enriched uranium to build in a bomb in just more than six months. However, Israeli officials released a report this week claiming that sanctions in Iran have been effective.

The prime minister is set to speak early Thursday afternoon.