Neil deGrasse Tyson unleashes hot fire on Trump in angry tweetstorm

Neil deGrasse Tyson took a break from sharing science facts and nerdy dad jokes on Sunday to blast Donald Trump in a raging tweetstorm. 

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Specifically, Tyson targeted Trump's proposed slashing of federal funding for programs that support the arts, education, and the EPA, which has long been in the crosshairs of the Trump administration.

Tyson also addressed climate change, a topic close to his heart and one the Trump administration has gone to absurd levels to downplay in the face of mounting scientific evidence.

But then Tyson shifted gears from attacking Trump's policies and went straight at the president, his aides, and his cabinet.


He's a bit more gentle in his tweetstorm wrap-up.

As expected, Twitter users flooded Neil's mentions with hundreds of replies, some supporting him, others calling him a precious snowflake or whatever the Twitter insult du jour is. But there was one response that too perfectly summed it all up.

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