Nebraska approves 12-week abortion ban, restricts gender-affirming care for minors

Nebraska lawmakers on Friday approved a 12-week abortion ban alongside restrictions on gender-affirming care for people younger than 19.

The debate surrounding the bill was reportedly so contentious that legislators from both parties stated that they may not be able to work together in the future.

“There are people planning now to leave Nebraska because of this, me included,” said Sen. Megan Hunt (D).

Republican lawmakers managed to garner enough votes to end a filibuster and pass the bill that included both measures.

Governor Jim Pillen, an advocate of the bill, met with various legislators in order to secure their backing. He has previously expressed his intentions to sign the bill into law.

The atmosphere in the Nebraska Capitol has been tense since Tuesday, when a single vote was responsible for advancing the hybrid measure that tied together restrictions which Republicans across the country have been pushing.

Nebraska legislators have been exchanging insults and warnings of retribution, while demonstrators have been vigorously voicing their dissent.

Proceedings were halted briefly on Friday as what appeared to be bloody tampons rained down from a chamber balcony, where protestors shouted obscenities at conservative lawmakers.

Security arrested at least one individual before clearing the balconies. As voting began later, chants of “Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!” erupted outside the chamber.

Earlier this week, North Carolina also passed a 12-week abortion ban.

The two states join a growing list of those passing new abortion laws in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last year, the landmark case from 1973 which guaranteed women the right to an abortion nationwide.

So far, 14 states have prohibited abortions through various stages pregnancy.

Nebraska, which previously outlawed abortions beginning at 20 weeks of pregnancy, had yet to revise its policy. The state’s new 12-week ban, which does offer exceptions for rape, incest and to protect the life of the mother, will go into effect as soon as the governor signs it.

The restrictions on gender-affirming care will take effect Oct. 1.

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