Nearly 83% of Europeans back accepting Ukrainian refugees – Survey

Most Europeans support Ukraine and its refugees in the EU
Most Europeans support Ukraine and its refugees in the EU

Vast majority of Europeans support provision of humanitarian and financial aid to Ukraine and agree to accept refugees, according to a Eurobarometer poll published by European Commission on May 23.

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According to the survey, almost nine out of ten (87%) EU residents agree with providing humanitarian support to people affected by the war in Ukraine. Another 83% support admission of refugees to the EU.

72% of EU citizens support economic sanctions against Russia, and 70% agree with providing financial support to Ukraine.

As for Ukraine's membership in the EU and financing purchase of military equipment for Kyiv, six out of ten Europeans, or about 60%, support this scenario.

Read also: Only half of displaced Ukrainians ready to return from Europe – KIIS poll

Among the recent crises, Russia's invasion of Ukraine had the greatest impact on the EU's future, said 42% of EU citizens. In general, the war in Ukraine is seen as one of the two most important issues facing the EU.

The survey was conducted between April 3 and 28 with the participation of 26,399 people from 27 EU countries.

Ukrainian refugees in EU

The European Union activated mechanism of temporary protection for Ukrainians on March 4, 2022, after start of Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and automatically extended it for one year. Last year, EU countries decided to extend this mechanism until March 2025.

Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna on May 9 said that European Commission had agreed to extend temporary protection status for Ukrainians in the EU.

According to the Center for Economic Strategy, at the end of January, 4.9 million Ukrainians left Ukraine because of the war. Most of them were in Germany and Poland. According to the study, up to 2.3 million people may stay abroad even after the war's end.

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