Nearly 40 kids hit by cars so far this year, CCSD police say

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — On Halloween, ghosts and goblins seem to take over our streets. But what’s even scarier: drivers who aren’t paying attention.

“That is when mistakes happen and that is when tragedies occur,” Lt. Michael Campbell with the Clark County School District Police Department said.

Campbell was on patrol Tuesday at a crosswalk at Stewart Avenue and Page Street, west of Nellis Boulevard. It’s about a half-mile from the east valley location where a 7-year-old was killed in September. The driver did not see her.

On Tuesday, Campbell had another officer walk into the area in a bright yellow fairy costume to see if drivers were paying attention.

“Even when he is wearing that bright yellow outfit and taking the steps to ensure that the roadway is clear before crossing, we have 50 to 60 cars already getting stopped because they aren’t stopping for him,” Campbell said.

This is a situation that young children could be in every day.

According to Campbell, it has been a dangerous year on the roads for juveniles. Last year, 25 children were hit. This year — so far — nearly 40 have been hit.

“Sometimes they don’t follow the exact laws they are trying to instill in them and dart out into the street. And that’s why a lot of our school zones have flashing lights so we can slow down our drivers,” Campbell said.

In the three hours that the officer was out there in a fairy costume, 74 cars were stopped and 62 drivers were cited for speeding and failing to stop for a pedestrian.

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