ND Senator Who Supported DAPL And Called For More Police Action Against Standing Rock Protesters Appointed New Head Of Indian Affairs

North Dakota Senator Who Supported DAPL And Called For More Police Action Against Protesters Appointed As New Head Of Indian Affairs
North Dakota Senator Who Supported DAPL And Called For More Police Action Against Protesters Appointed As New Head Of Indian Affairs

A North Dakota senator who was vocal in his support of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and called for an increased federal response to stop the peaceful pipeline protesters has been named the new chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, according to Mic.

Senator John Hoeven, a republican and former governor of North Dakota, said in a statement on Thursday that he was honored to serve in his new role, and looked forward to working with other members of the committee “to pass legislation that helps improve the lives of people across Indian Country.”

“In our roles, we will address the issues of job creation, natural resource management, health care, education, public safety and housing in Indian communities,” Hoeven said.

Many are questioning the appointment of Hoeven, as he has repeatedly supported many causes that Native American tribes have opposed, such as the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Hoeven called the 2016 DAPL peaceful protests, which were led by members of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation and joined by other Native Americans and allies from across the country, “violent” and asked President Obama to deploy federal law enforcement to subdue them, Huffington Post reported.

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ND Senator Who Supported DAPL And Called For More Police Action Against Standing Rock Protesters Appointed New Head Of Indian Affairs is an article from: The Inquisitr News