NBC host suggests it's 'challenging' to race slalom after you're married, seriously

Marriage: It'll affect your sporting performance.

Wait, what?

NBC commentator and former U.S. skier Bode Miller has apologised after foolishly suggesting an Olympian's marriage impacted her performance at the Winter Olympics.

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Speaking of Austrian skier and 2014 gold medallist Anna Veith during Wednesday's broadcast of the women's giant slalom, Miller discussed her changed performance (she finished 15th), saying it was "challenging to race ... with a family or being married." 

I mean, he started by mentioning a legitimate hurdle to competition: Veith's ACL injury from 2016, before the World Cup season. But then, he truly divebombed.

"The knee is certainly an issue," he said. "I want to point out she also got married. And it’s historically very challenging to race on the World Cup with a family or being married. Not to blame the spouses, but I just want to toss it out there that it may be her husband’s fault."

If you need help taking that snow shoe out of your mouth, Miller, just holler.

According to NBC, Miller apologised on air immediately afterward, saying it was an “ill-advised attempt at a joke." Couldn't have put it better ourselves.

“I do apologize,” he said on air. “I was an athlete that competed after marriage, and I know how beneficial it is. I know the support team you need. On Valentine’s Day, I did not mean to throw spouses under the bus, and I’m going to be hearing it from my wife, I know.” 

And she won't be alone.

WATCH: Light up the slopes with this LED snowboard