National media reports on Mica Miller’s death. How her death continues to spark theories

In late April, Mica Miller, wife of Solid Rock Church pastor John-Paul Miller, died in a North Carolina state park, sparking a flurry of theories by online sleuths regarding her marriage with the pastor and what could have led to her death.

The case, which is being investigated by the FBI and Robeson County Sheriff’s Department, has been covered by national media and continues to gain attention nearly a month after the Myrtle Beach woman’s death on April 27, 2024.

It was determined by North Carolina officials that Mica Miller committed suicide. She can be seen purchasing a gun at a Myrtle Beach pawn shop and later in the day, called 911 and asked if the operator could find her location because she was going to kill herself.

Before Mica Miller’s death, she had filed for separation from John-Paul Miller and had made several Facebook posts alluding to her being abused by her husband. John-Paul Miller denied abusing his wife in an interview on May 3, 2024. Police reports showed that someone, who is believed to be John-Paul Miller, slashed her tires and placed a GPS tracker on her vehicle.

#Justiceformica has gained popularity online. People are using it to talk about domestic abuse awareness.

Her death has been covered by multiple national news publications. It’s also caused a stir online, with people posting about it on true crime Facebook pages and videos on TikTok.

Here are seven national news organizations that have covered Mica Miller’s death.

  1. “Good Morning America”: The morning TV news and talk show has covered Mica Miller’s death at least two times in the month of May. The first story was an overview of the case on May 6. The second story talks about how the FBI began helping with the investigation and that Mica Miller’s death was ruled a suicide

  2. “ABC News Nightline”: The national show sat down with a friend of Mica Miller to discuss what she was like in the days leading up her death on April 27.

  3. Nancy Grace: The television journalist has been keeping up with the case and has been posting videos on YouTube as information has been released. She’s interviewed Mica Miller’s sister, Sierra Francis, and one of her friends. Grace said she invited John-Paul Miller on her show but he did not respond.

  4. Time magazine: The national magazine wrote an article detailing Mica Miller’s death, the response and the creation of conspiracy theories about her death being created. It was published online May 15.

  5. “Inside Edition”: Similar to other stories, the TV show “Inside Edition” wrote an article and posted a video talking about Mica Miller and suspicions around her death.

  6. Daily Mail: As a tabloid, Daily Mail has written numerous stories on Mica Miller. It’s published gossip-inducing articles about John-Paul Miller meeting up with his alleged mistress and how Solid Rock Church potentially owns $5.9 million in assets.

  7. New York Post: Also a tabloid, the New York Post has published more content than other national news sites. This includes pictures and screenshots of potential texts from John-Paul Miller to Mica Miller.