Natchez Water Works lifts boil water advisory

Feb. 23—A boil water advisory issued by Natchez Water Works that has lasted nearly a week has been lifted, Superintendent Tony Moon said Tuesday.

The advisory was lifted at 5 p.m. Tuesday after Natchez Water Works received notice from a testing lab in Hattiesburg that water samples were clean.

Those who were affected by the boil water advisory should:

* Flush faucets for a total of at least 10 minutes; 1o minutes for one faucet, five minutes each for two faucets, three to four minutes each for three or more faucets.

* Discard any ice, drinks or food made with un-boiled tap water before the boil advisory was lifted.

* Do not drink water from hot water heaters until two to three exchanges of the water in the tank have occurred.

* Run dishwashers for a cycle or two before washing dishes.

* Check water filters and replace them as needed.

Moon said Natchez Water Works customers may resume normal water use and should continue to report any leaks by calling 601-445-5521. Press 2 for normal operating hours or press 8 for calls after-hours.