Nancy Pelosi: U.S. Olympic Uniforms Should Be Made in the U.S.A.

Nancy Pelosi: U.S. Olympic Uniforms Should Be Made in the U.S.A.

It's not Ralph Lauren's silly berets or the double-breasted jackets, which the U.S. athletes will don during the opening ceremony of London's Olympic Games, that are rubbing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi the wrong way. It's the fact that they weren't American made. "They should be wearing uniforms that are made in America," Pelosi was quoted as saying in a report by National Journal's Elahe Izadi. As we told you yesterday, it's been revealed that Ralph Lauren, like they did four years ago, commissioned the U.S.'s opening ceremony outfits to be made in China. Which is sad considering the deeper meaning that these uniforms are meant to convey. Because Pelosi can never shake her political profile, there's also that angle, as Izadi mentions, the Ralph Lauren-China discovery happened to pop up the same week that House Democrats are ramping up their two-year-old "Make It In America" initiative which promotes American manufacturing.