The Mystery of @NotTildaSwinton Ends With a Whimper

We didn't even want to know who was behind @NotTildaSwinton, but now we do, because apparently the lifespan of Twitter memes is shortening by the day.

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Remember how much time and effort it took Gawker's Adrian Chen to figure out who was behind @Horse_ebooks? That was a lot of fun! Now we have Slate's Jeffrey Bloomer blowing up @NotTildaSwinton, the random, not-quite-of-this-earth musings definitely not from the strange Oscar-winning actress were actually that of a couple of 20-something jokers. Less than a week after it launched, and without even too much effort, NotTilda is no longer a secret.

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Writes Bloomer:

Eli Yudin, 21, created the account earlier this week and enlisted his Twitter friend, Carey O’Donnell, 23, to contribute. Yuden said today that he got the idea for the account from jokes he’d written about Swinton in the past, and chose this week mostly because he had his wisdom teeth out Monday and had nothing better to do. “I started this while watching Netflix and eating buffalo pringles on my parents’ couch,” he said.

Shades of Cormac McCarthy? At least we still have the enduring mystery of @RuthBourdain.