A Mysterious Charity is Giving Away $86 Million in Bitcoin

On Wednesday morning, bitcoin enthusiasts on Reddit woke up to an intriguing thread in r/bitcoin: a user by the name of @PineappleFund had posted, “I’m donating 5057 BTC to charitable causes! Introducing the Pineapple Fund.”

For anyone following the meteoric rise in bitcoin prices, that figure - 5057 BTC - might have the same effect as an extra shot of espresso: it converts to an estimated $86 million.

@PineappleFund continued:


I remember starting at bitcoin a few years ago. When bitcoin broke single digits for the first time, I thought that was a triumphant moment for bitcoin. I watched and admired the price jump to $15.. $20.. $30.. wow!*

Today, I see $17,539 per BTC. I still don’t believe reality sometimes. bitcoin has changed my life, and I have far more money than I can ever spend. My aims, goals, and motivations in life have nothing to do with having XX million or being the mega rich. So I’m doing something else: donating the majority of my bitcoins to charitable causes. I’m calling it ]]>🍍