Letter: State Senator Ben Watson is the definition of a public servant

State Senator Ben Watson offers remarks during a candidate forum on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at the Richmond Hill City Center.
State Senator Ben Watson offers remarks during a candidate forum on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at the Richmond Hill City Center.

This letter is by Mark Murphy, a local author and physician. He is a longtime contributor to the Savannah Morning News.

With the upcoming primary election, I’d like to Recognize one candidate who is a true public servant: State Senator Ben Watson, M.D.

When the U.S. Constitution was written in 1787, the United States had a total population of 2.9 million people. The founders envisioned that elected representatives should be drawn from the general public, sacrificing their own needs for the public good before ultimately returning to private life. This idea of servant leadership forged a nation with no historical precedent.

More than two centuries later, the United States is now a nation of over 330 million people with the world’s largest economy and most formidable military. Unfortunately, today’s politicians tend to either seek power or personal gain. Character no longer seems to matter, taking a back seat to bombastic grandstanding.

My friend, State Senator Ben Watson, is an exception to that rule.

I have known Watson since 1986, when he was my resident during my med student years. As a 14-year state legislator, Watson has worked tirelessly for our community and the citizens of Georgia. Exemplary character and self-sacrifice have defined his entire career, both in health care and in government.

His unique perspective on the needs of the elderly and the underserved led him to work with Hospice Savannah, which he undertook without any expectation of recognition or reward.

Spearheading efforts to cap property taxes so that people cannot be taxed out of their homes, he was instrumental in bringing a four-year dental school to  South Georgia, voted to enhance school choice for underserved families, and sponsored legislation to protect our region’s valuable coastline and estuaries.

Dr. Watson is courteous, kind and thoughtful. He does not try to draw attention to himself. You’ll never see him being dragged out of any public forums. Instead, Ben is a person of substance who gets things done.

I strongly urge local citizens to return Watson to the State Senate for District 1. He’s not only the best candidate; he’s also one of the very best people I know.

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Letter: State Senator Watson is the definition of a public servant