New mum's photo goes viral after she pumped eight gallons of breast milk

A new mum’s photo went viral after she pumped and froze eight gallons of breast milk, before arranging it around her newborn for an inspiring snap.

Nia Malika said that because she wants the best for her baby she hooks herself to a breast pump every three hours – even if it’s in the middle of the night.

The system she’s put together will allow her to return to work and school while nursing baby Nora.

The image was shared from her account by the Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page, where it was shared thousands of times.

She says she filled her diet with snacks and meals designed to increase lactation, including oatmeal for breakfast and ‘lactation cookies’, while also “drinking water like a fish”.

“Over the past two months I was able to store away more than 1000 ounces of breastmilk for Nora to eat when I return back to work and school, all while nursing her.”

She added: “I’m dedicated to providing my baby with the nutrition she needs, I trust my body and know this is what I was made for.

“When people say I’m lucky to have this supply I simple tell them I’m not lucky I’m blessed, and I work really hard to get where I am and will continue to do whatever it takes to keep my girl fed.”

The new mum arranged the frozen and sealed packages of milk around the baby in a heart shape – part of a growing trend of new mothers who are proudly displaying their love for breastfeeding.

In response another mum – Sammy Dodge – posted a picture of her smiling baby, with a message: “That’s awesome!! I only hope I can save that much. Good job momma.

“I only have 250 ounces saved from catching milk, haven’t started pumping yet and returning to work in two months. We are working on the stash of milk.”

While some women are collecting it to prepare for a return to work, others donate it to the young children of women who can’t produce breastmilk.